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Make Your Child a Champion for Life

Jun 8th, 2020

As human beings, we all have unlimited potential at our disposal. This is especially true for children who still have unlimited imagination and confidence at their disposal. For the parent or educator who wants to see their child develop their full potential, I would suggest starting with introducing your child to goal setting.

Learning how to set and get goals is a vital skill. Those who learn to goal set typically know more about themselves and the unique talents and opportunities available to them. When actively seeking a goal they experience the joy and satisfaction of being on a definite path. In addition, they will build confidence, make friends, and acquire new skills along the way.

Children are natural goal achievers; look at a baby who sets his or her mind on walking. At first glance, the odds are stacked against them- gravity, lack of both coordination and strength in the muscles. But they want it- set their mind to it and regardless of the difficulty, the countless falls they prevail.

Through our Karate and Tae Kwon Do training programs at Premier Martial Arts, we teach a very simple approach to teaching children how to set and achieve goals. It is called the Black Belt Success Cycle and teaches a simple plan. It is amazing that after a few weeks of reciting the cycle the feedback we receive from parents, teachers, and the students themselves is incredible.

The Black Belt Success Cycle

1.Know What You Want

2. Have a plan (and a success coach)

3. Take consistent action

4. Review your progress

5. Renew your goal!

Let’s go over these in more detail.

Know what you want– having a clear picture of what you want is both inspiring and efficient. It is inspiring because it gets you fired up; it is efficient because you aren’t wasting time and energy on a goal you don’t want.

Have a plan– break a big goal into smaller sequential steps that are easy to track and attainable. Next, find someone who has done what you want to achieve. Very often these people are very helpful and their experience can save you huge amounts of time and effort!

Take consistent action– do what it takes to make your plan work.

Review your progress– if what you are doing isn’t working (or working fast enough) take time to stop and review your goal, plan, or actions. Usually, the plan or actions are out of line with the goal.

Renew your goal– take time to make sure the goal is still important and recommit yourself to make it happen! Remember that getting the goal is not the only goal- as motivation speaker Jim Rohn says “Do the thing, not for the thing, but what it will make of you”’ Make sure the goal will make you what you really want!

Parents and educators who teach their children to set and get goals provide society with a tremendous favor. These kids will grow up with more confidence and energy. They will make bigger goals that help themselves and the community they live in- whether it is for the quest of a gold medal, a more efficient motor or to end hunger, the parent or educator will have helped shape a champion for life!

Karate and Tae Kwon Do training at Premier Martial Arts studios nationwide offer great support for parents in the development of happy healthy confident children. Whether parents are looking for help with focus, confidence, self-esteem, fitness, self-defense, or character development, parents will find Premier Martial Arts training a great aid in helping them achieve their parenting goals.

Check out of our convenient locations nationwide HERE.


We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!

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