The Story of the Chinese Bamboo

May 5th, 2020

Chinese farmers plant the bamboo seed:  they water and fertilize it, but the entire first year nothing happens.  The second-year they water and fertilize it, and still, nothing happens.  The third and fourth years they water and fertilize it, with no apparent results, and sometime during the course of the fifth year, in a period of six weeks, the Chinese Bamboo Tree grows roughly ninety feet.

The question is, did it grow ninety feet in six weeks or did it grow ninety feet in five years?  The obvious answer is that it grew ninety feet in five years because, had they not had the perseverance to keep caring for the crop day in and day out each year, even though they were not seeing immediate results, there would be no Chinese Bamboo Tree.  All of us have had those “Chinese Bamboo Tree” experiences.  We might have had a difficult assignment in school, work, or challenges in life.  We had to work at it again and again without coming up with the correct answer or response.  Once we did finally get the answer, it seemed simple and obvious.  We came up with the answer not because of our intellectual brilliance but because of our perseverance.

At Premier Martial Arts we teach our students that it is important to understand that things in life are sometimes going to become hard, but if we continue to persevere, keep working, and do not give up we can achieve any goal we set.

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