Welcome to Premier Martial Arts

Jan 2nd, 2019

Congratulations! Wow, you did it!

You actually signed up for adult martial arts classes! Congratulations! You have no idea how many adults I speak to that say how they would love to or wish they could take lessons. In reality, many are too self-conscious or intimidated. As you can tell there is nothing to be intimidated by.

We are dedicated to helping you get or stay in shape as you also learn to defend yourself and/or loved ones in the event an attack happens. Our staff are trained professionals in expanding people’s limits in a safe, fun and friendly environment.

So you’re signed up, now what? Take a look at the following checklist to get you into the swing of things.

  1. Make sure you have all the appropriate gear to be both safe and successful in our program. If you are not sure what items you need, you need be sure to see our pro shop next time you are in. Some items are mandatory, while others simply enhance your training either in performance and/or safety.
  2. Understand that consistency is key to your success. 2 times a week is recommended to get started. If you miss a class let us know so we can schedule a makeup class in the next day(s) to come.
  3. Ask questions. There are no and I mean NO stupid questions. If you do not understand the how or why please ask. That is what we are here for. Not only instructors but ask other members. They were new at one time too and we have a culture of family here to take care of each other. You are going to be surprised by the relationships you will build in our school!

We look forward to seeing you in class! Be sure to contact us with any questions so that we may better suit your training needs.


We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!

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