
Jan 2nd, 2019

Perseverance builds confidence.

During these first few months of your child’s training in our Kids Karate program, we also want to begin demonstrating the importance of perseverance. A child with a lot of confidence but doesn’t have the grit to preserve will end up being robbed of their confidence. What happens is after failing and not persevering time and time again their confidence dwindles.

LET’S FACE IT! This world is getting tougher and tougher for a person to carve out their niche and live a comfortable, healthy and abundant life. It’s sad but true. I BELIEVE ONE OF THE CORE PERSONAL TRAITS AN INDIVIDUAL NEEDS TO SUCCEED IN TODAY’S SOCIETY IS PERSEVERANCE, GRIT, STICK-TO-FITNESS, whatever you want to call it.  

I hope you appreciate our importance to teach perseverance to your child. You will find that our classes indeed directly through our mat chats or indirectly through physical martial arts training teaches and develops this vital character trait.

Again, it is a privilege and huge responsibility we have in training your child and we cannot thank you enough for you trust. We look forward to your child’s progress check in weeks to come!


We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!

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