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May 28th, 2020

The Karate and Tae Kwon Do training taught at Premier Martial Arts that have long been known for their confidence building attributes. These attributes can be organized into five main factors.

Good Finding

Our instructors are taught to be “Good Finders”. They are constantly looking for opportunities to praise and complement our students. Instead of always pointing out what a student is doing wrong, we are always trying to point out what they do right! This approach to teaching motivates the children though continuous positive energy.

We Give A’s First

Our Instructors “Always Give an A First”. Our instructors at Premier Martial Arts understand that by complimenting children for their efforts, not just results, no matter how minor, motivates a student to try that much harder. Trying harder brings the child even better results and those results will develop true confidence. Then the cycle repeats.

Belt Ranking

Premier Martial Arts has a unique way of setting goals and showing the progression of those goals, and that is through our karate and tae kwon do belt ranking system. A beginning student starts as a white belt and moves though goals of different color belt rank as they meet different physical, mental, and curriculum requirements. This goal setting/learning and rewarding/goal accomplishment system rewards children for their efforts and progress and developments a strong foundation of confidence and continues to grow and grow.

Self Defense

Children develop confidence at Premier Martial Arts though our self-defense instruction. It is no secret that children that have a sense of well-being and security are confident and happy. Self-defense training is part of every class a child takes at Premier Martial Arts.


With the childhood obesity rates skyrocketing in the U.S. It has never been more important that children learn and develop positive habits of nutrition and fitness. Besides health concerns for a child’s future, it is important to understand that a negative self-image is the main “killer of confidence”. Sadly our society continues to put more and more emphasis on how a person looks on the outside than what kind of person they are on the inside. How a child thinks about themselves is directly related to how they feel about themselves. If they think they are overweight and unattractive, then this attitude will likely result in decreasing their confidence and self-worth. At Premier Martial Arts, we teach our children valuable life-lasting lessons on nutrition and fitness. Through our training, we develop happy, healthy, confident, successful children!

Learn more at one of our many Premier Martial Arts Locations!


We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!


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