50% Off Your First Month

Your Child’s Confidence is the Foundation of Benefits to Come

Jan 2nd, 2019

Indisputably the most important trait a person needs to be happy, healthy and whole.

In our Kids Karate program, one of our main goals in the first few months of your child’s training is to establish an “I can-do” attitude! It takes confidence to be a kid. Whether going to a new school or stepping up to bat for the first time, kids face a lot of uncharted territory every day.

Naturally, parents want to instill a can-do attitude in their kids so that they’ll bravely take on new challenges and, over time, believe in themselves. While each child is a little different, confidence will be THE DETERMINING FACTOR in their willingness to try new things, fail and get up again, stand up for themselves and frankly, live life!

You as a parent can help by giving your child lots of opportunities to practice and master their skills, letting them make mistakes in class and being there to boost their spirits so they keep trying. Respond with interest and excitement when kids show off a new skill, and reward them with praise when they achieve a goal or earn their next martial arts belt.

Martial Arts is not easy. Neither is life. A child who spends a good portion of their childhood in a disciplined atmosphere like a martial arts school will have new challenges every day. Some they will overcome instantly and gain instant confidence. While other challenges can take weeks, months and years. The challenges that are the tallest, highest, and longest when conquered, far outweigh the summation of all those little confidence builders along the way. Both are very important in training martial arts. Both are very important in life!

We hope to see a direct correlation between our classes and your child’s confidence quickly. A child with little to no confidence is going to be an adult with little to no confidence. They are always the victim or others, never taking the risk to step up to something to make a change for themselves or others. These kinds of adults sit idle watching life pass them by only to regret each passing day they don’t live a life of trying, doing, and accomplishing.

Find our more at one of our nationwide Premier Martial Arts locations!


We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!


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