Premier Martial Arts Blog
Our blog offers advice and answers many common questions about Martial Arts. You’ll find safety advice to help you and your family protect yourselves, interesting history about Martial Arts, advice, ideas and so much more!

3 Ways Martial Arts Can Improve Your Mental Health
Whether struggling with a serious mental illness or simply seeking to boost overall mental health, martial arts is one of the most powerful sports for improving mental health. While exercise always helps our mental health, the martial arts have unique mental health improving benefits.

How Martial Arts Can Help Children Socialize and Gain Social Skills
How Martial Arts Can Help Children Socialize and Gain Social Skills Building up your child’s social skills is one of the most important jobs you have as a parent, as those skills set the tone for how your child will do in the many spheres of life that require a...

What You can Expect from Our Character Development Program
We use 8 different skills, which are focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness, co-ordination. These things are very important as it is things that they will need to improve and work on for the next couple of years. We also use success skills in this group and talk about the ‘I CAN’ attitude and get them to believe, even at that age, they can learn to believe in themselves and have a positive attitude.

How to Improve Concentration in Kids
Parents have long turned to martial arts training like Karate and Tae Kwon Do to help increase focus and concentration in their children. At Premier Martial Arts we teach parents, that there are many things you can do to help your child attain better concentration levels.

How to Build an Indomitable Spirit
Premier Martial Arts understands that teaching kids how to be successful in life requires more than just smarts and a good handshake. While having brains and charm never hurts, always bank on those that have a burning desire and are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. In martial arts, we call this ‘indomitable spirit’.

Developing a Positive and Winning Attitude
Our attitude is our state of mind, which is how you feel about yourself, other people, and the things around you. A positive attitude allows us to develop into a happy and successful person. Just as it is important for us to develop a positive attitude by controlling our thinking and the things we say to ourselves, it is also important to understand that others can affect our attitude as well.

Make Your Child a Champion for Life
As human beings, we all have unlimited potential at our disposal. This is especially true for children who still have unlimited imagination and confidence at their disposal. For the parent or educator who wants to see their child develop their full potential, I would suggest starting with introducing your child to goal setting. The following is an easy method to teach children goal setting.

Three Anger Management Lessons for Parents to Share with their Children
Children need calmness. It gives them a kind of security and peace of mind. For a child to be able to control their temper is a powerful and important value that is largely a product having a loving atmosphere at home. The first thing in getting a child to control their temper is them being willing to try to “understand” why things happen and why people act the way they do.
We make it easy to try our martial arts programs. Our start-up offer includes two private lessons with a PMA expert trainer to explore your ability level and find the right programs to help you meet your goals. We even include a uniform – everything you need to make a positive change!